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Writer's picturematticus | 🥝Kiwipool Staking

All 3 🥝Kiwipool Staking pools are eligible for SundaeSwap ISO

Updated: Jan 21, 2022

Hi y'all

A quick message to reiterate that all three of YOUR 🥝Kiwipool Staking pools are eligible for the 🍨 SundaeSwap ISO. The pools are: KIWI¹ by 🥝Kiwipool Staking Ticker: KIWI ID: 921dc3fc11681ad9ccde08c9bc23041808f4b7e8ba231be557db8ab5 bech32 ID: pool1jgwu8lq3dqddnnx7prymcgcyrqy0fdlghg33he2hmw9t2gma3zd KIWI by 🥝Kiwipool Staking Ticker: KIWI Pool ID: 60397646d7d1ad6fe2ddccfe7efc9cba61f6d3d94d29e8f41de73240

bech32 ID: pool1vquhv3kh6xkklckaenl8alyuhfsld57ef5573aqauueyqacx4ak RAMEN by 🥝Kiwipool Staking Ticker: RAMEN Pool ID: 2523d71a1bd6376804e0bace048289a63455eb6340db81e616a11f9c

bech32 ID: pool1y53awxsm6cmksp8qht8qfq5f5c69t6mrgrdcresk5y0ecv2yj93

None of the three pools are yet saturated but KIWI and RAMEN are getting close to saturation so we recommend all new delegators stake with KIWI¹ by 🥝Kiwipool Staking (ID: 921dc3fc11681ad9ccde08c9bc23041808f4b7e8ba231be557db8ab5). If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask in the comments below. Even better, come join us at your home of 🥝Kiwipool Staking on Telegram: 🌍 Together, WE are 🥝𝘒𝘪𝘸𝘪𝘱𝘰𝘰𝘭 𝘚𝘵𝘢𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨

Matticus 🥰

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Randall Barlow
Randall Barlow
Jan 21, 2022

Is KIWI104 (pool1vquhv3kh6xkklckaenl8alyuhfsld57ef5573aqauueyqacx4ak) an official sundae pool?

Replying to

Hi Randall, yes that is 🥝KIWI and is included in the ISO along with our other 2 pools. I have updated the blog post to show bech32 IDs as well as IDs. Matticus


Buenos días, que pasa con los niveles de saturacion de los tres pool. Igual vamos a poder participar y ganar?

Replying to

¡Hola! Los niveles de saturación de la piscina no tienen ningún impacto en las ganancias de # SundaeSwap


Nicolas Bosio
Nicolas Bosio
Jan 18, 2022

Acabo de delegar 1580 adas a kiwi1, cuánto recibiré de sundae? O todavía no se sabe?

Replying to

Hola y bienvenidos. Las recompensas serán proporcionales a su ADA delegada, pero no "lineales". No lo sabemos en este momento. Podemos hacer una conjetura una vez que sepamos cuánto total de ADA se ha delegado a todos los grupos ISO Matticus


Steven Goulden
Steven Goulden
Jan 18, 2022

Hello, I am currently staking in the KIWI pool that is oversaturated will this affect the amount of SundaeSwap tokens I will be able to receive? If I redelagate now to another pool will I miss out on the SundaeSwap ISO?

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Hey, what do you mean by "73240 pre SundaeSwap" ?

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