Hope everyone's had/having a great weekend?!
Just a quick message to advise that the 🥝KIWI¹ pool (ID: 921dc3fc11681ad9ccde08c9bc23041808f4b7e8ba231be557db8ab5) has entered the saturation zone. One of the larger delegators in 🥝KIWI¹ added a large sum of ADA into their wallet during this epoch (E324) and now 🥝KIWI¹ is saturated.
If you're currently staking with 🥝KIWI¹ we'd recommend you temporarily move across to 🥝KIWI or 🍜RAMEN until 🥝KIWI¹ returns to 'normal' levels. It's a good idea to move across before the end of Epoch 324 to minimise any potential loss of rewards due to saturation.
Matticus 🏖