Scammers are rife in #Crypto, stay safe out there
🥝Kiwipool Staking will NEVER, EVER contact delegators asking for their private keys or passphrase.
We will NEVER ask stakers to verify their passphrase or enter their passphrase into a website.
We will never ask you for personally identifiable information.
When using Lite wallets such as Yoroi, Adalite or Eternl (formerly ccvault) it is extremely important to double/triple check the site before connecting to it. Always assume a Lite Wallet website asking for your passphrase or password is a scam until you have unequivocally determined that it is safe.
Likewise, if you are direct-messaged by an account purporting to be from 🥝Kiwipool Staking or any other Stakepool Operator it is a good idea to assume that this is a scammer unless you have unequivocally confirmed otherwise. Never Trust, Always Verify It's a jungle out there, stay crypto safe 🔒 love to all . . . Matticus